The New Olive Oil of Tenuta La Gigliola in Montespertoli: A Year of Paradise!
Now hear ye, fresh word ‘as come from Montespertoli, the fair hill where vines do triumph and olives bloom like Eden’s own garden, that a new oil’s ‘as been pressed, a prize e’en Olympus might envy. ‘Tis a gift from the heavens, for this year, the season ‘as blessed the land with a yield most abundant, olives ripe an’ pure. And, lo and behold—no cursed fly ‘as spoiled it, as if angels ‘ad guarded ‘em with all their might!
A Miraculous Year: Olives Bloom Healthy and Fair
“Oh, blessed be she who gathers suc [...]
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The Vinsanto produced by Fattoria La Gigliola in Montespertoli is a unique sweet wine of its kind. The production of this wine begins with the drying of the grapes on racks, an ancient process which consists in exposing the grapes to the sun to dry them and concentrate the sugars. This process requires a lot of attention and care from the winemakers to avoid mold and ensure uniform drying of the grapes.
Once the grapes have been dried, they are harvested and vinified in early January. The wine is left to a [...]
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