De Tenuta La Gigliola

De Tenuta La Gigliola

In terra toscana, in loco di Montespertoli, Tenuta La Gigliola est villa mirabile, Qui s'aspettan ospiti cortesi e soavi, Che de' loro conforti s'intendono bene. Il parco è ampio e verdeggiante, Con querce, pini e cipressi secolari, E vigneti e oliveti che allietano, L'occhio e il palato del visitatore. La villa è ricca di storia e tradizione, E le sue camere sono spaziose e confortevoli, Arredate con mobili antichi e tessuti preziosi, Che creano un'atmosfera di raffinata eleganza. La sala da pranzo offr [...]  Read more
The New 2021 Vintage of Canaiolo and Sangiovese: Two Distinct Wines, an Unmistakable Terroir

The New 2021 Vintage of Canaiolo and Sangiovese: Two Distinct Wines, an Unmistakable Terroir

The long-awaited moment has finally arrived for wine enthusiasts, as the new 2021 vintage of Canaiolo and Sangiovese has been recently bottled. These two distinct yet terroir-sharing wines take us on an unparalleled oenological journey, bringing with them the unmistakable essence of the land from which they originate, akin to the numerator and denominator in a mathematical fractal evolving in the vastness of the cosmos. Canaiolo: A Sensory Harmony Like a Celestial Equation Canaiolo, over the years, has ea [...]  Read more
Olio extravergine d'oliva ( EVO )

Olio extravergine d'oliva ( EVO )

The Montespertoli extra virgin olive oil produced by Fattoria Lagigliola is an excellence of the Tuscan territory. Its intense aroma and fruity and slightly spicy taste make it an ideal ingredient for seasoning both simple and elaborate dishes, enhancing their flavour. The Fattoria Lagigliola is located in the countryside of Montespertoli, a small town located a few kilometers from Florence. The farm covers an area of about 20 hectares, most of which is dedicated to the cultivation of olive trees. The oliv [...]  Read more
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